Friday, May 13, 2011

I (Almost) Got Away With It

I (Almost) Got Away With It airs on the Investigation Discovery Tuesday at 10pm est. time.

I (Almost) Got Away With It is a show about fugitives who believed they can escape the long arm of the law. These cold hearted bastards commit heinous crimes and then there too pussy to face the punishment. The fugitives tell their stories about life on the run and what they did to survive. The law enforcements tell their stories on how they caught them. They reenact the crime, the run and the capture. I have mixed emotions about this show. By using the real fugitives they get an opportunity to get their ugly mugs on television and I’m sure some of them are bragging about it. I don’t think they should have such a luxury. It’s as if their being glamourized. It also enrages me to see that relatives and friends helped them escape and stay on the run. How could they?  Some of them stay on the run for years with no conscious. I watch because I like to see the bastards get caught. Their freedom coming to an end is very entertaining. To watch low lives get chased and caught by dedicated officers watch I (Almost) Got Away With It.  

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